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The Listener class represents a single event listener object. Such objects keep all relevant contextual information such as the event being listened to, the object the listener was attached to, the callback function and so on.


Creates a new Listener object


new Listener(event, target, callback, [options])

The event being listened to
The EventEmitter object that the listener is attached to.
The function to call when the listener is triggered
targetThe context to invoke the listener in (a.k.a. the value of this inside the callback function).
InfinityThe remaining number of times after which the callback should automatically be removed.
An array of arguments that will be passed separately to the callback function upon execution. The array is stored in the arguments property and can be retrieved or modified as desired.


  • TypeError : The `event` parameter must be a string or `EventEmitter.ANY_EVENT`.
  • ReferenceError : The `target` parameter is mandatory.
  • TypeError : The `callback` must be a function.



Type: array

An array of arguments to pass to the callback function upon execution.


Type: function

The callback function to execute.


Type: Object

The context to execute the callback function in (a.k.a. the value of this inside the callback function)


Type: number

The number of times the listener function was executed.


Type: string

The event name.


Type: number

The remaining number of times after which the callback should automatically be removed.


Type: boolean

Whether this listener is currently suspended or not.


Type: EventEmitter

The object that the event is attached to (or that emitted the event).



Removes the listener from its target.